Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA): Your spouse may tell you that you stop breathing during sleep. OSA is characterized by heavy snoring and interrupted breathing during sleep. Many times people with OSA are
Occipital Lobe: This is one of the four major subdivisions of the two hemisphere of your brain. It is important for in visual perception.
Olecranon process: A.K.A. elbow.
Ophthalmologist: A doctor who is a specialist in eye disease.
Optimum Level Of Arousal: Not too bored or too anxious. At a perfect energy level for the activity you are performing.
Orbit: The bony socket that surround your eyeball.
Organic matrix: The protein structure found in bone tissue.
Osgood-Schlatters Disease (OSD): OSD is an inflammation where the tendon from the kneecap attaches to the shin bone. Teens are particularly susceptible to these stresses because the bones are growing rapidly. Any activity can cause OSD, but it's common in jumping and cutting, like basketball, volleyball, soccer, figure skating, and gymnastics.
Osteoarthritis: Osteoarthritis is in a word, wear-and-tear on your joints. It is a degenerative joint disease that usually affects people over the age of 45. Or it can affect you if you have suffered joint injuries.
Osteoblast: A bone-producing cell.
Osteoclast: A bone-destroying cell.
Osteomyelitis: Bone infection. Caused by fungi or bacteria.
Osteoporosis: Bone loading exercises prevent osteoporosis. These include resistance exercises such as squats and lunges to prevent the most common types of bone thinning problems in the spine, hips, and upper leg. It is never too soon to begin exercising to prevent osteoporosis. Remind your children that calcium formation is greatest between the ages of 9 and 20. Basketball and volleyball players scored the highest in bone density.
Osteoporosis: Osteoporosis is a thinning of your bones as you age. Your bones become more porous. Exercise is part of the treatment. As regular workouts build muscle, they also maintain and may even increase bone density. Older adults can strengthen their muscles and bones and improve their balance, thereby reducing their risk of falls and resulting fractures. For women, exercise works in combination with estrogen or other medications that increase bone density and strength. Exercise, medication, and proper diet fights osteoporosis more effectively together than any one treatment.
Osteoporosis: A degenerative disease that decreases bone density.
Overtraining: The same motivation that you have to train hard and perform well can get you into trouble.
Working too hard over a long period of time can cause overtraining. Overtraining hurts your performance and can cause sickness or injury. If you overtrain, you are out of balance. If your training program exceeds your rest time, you may be pushing your limits.