Tarsal Bones: A.K.A. bones in your ankle.
Temporal Lobe: This is one of the four major subdivisions of the two hemispheres of your brain. Your temporal lobe is responsible for hearing, long-term memory, and behavior.
Tendinitis: Tendons are strong, fibrous tissues that connect muscle to bone. When your tendon swells and becomes sore we call it tendinitis. There are several causes of tendinitis. One of the biggest is overuse of your muscles. Not stretching properly is another cause of tendinitis. Flexibility is important in preventing tendinitis. Working out too hard can cause fibers in your tendon to tear. And wearing the wrong type shoes can stretch your achilles tendon, leading to achilles tendinitis.
Tendon: Connects muscle to bone.
Tennis Elbow: Tennis elbow or epicondylitis is inflammation of a tendon on the outside or inside of your
Testosterone: This is a male hormone. It stimulates bone and muscle growth and sexual development.
Thermogenesis: Thermogenesis means increased fat loss by raising the body's core temperature. Or increased calorie burn as a result of a faster metabolism. Unfortunately, there are not a plethora of products on the market that can cause these changes to occur. More specifically, when this term is applied to B vitamins and popular herb products, it is probably a scam.
Thrombus: This is a blood clot. It forms inside a blood vessel.
Throwing: It is not a women’s fault that she throws like a girl. An awkward looking overhand throw is not gender specific. It is all about training and experience. If you don’t believe me, try throwing with your non-dominant arm.
Tibialis Anterior: The muscle on the front of your shin.
Training Motivation: Get a healthy perspective. Make friends with your body. It deserves your kindness. Then, make better choices. Walk away from sedentary life. Include more physical activity and healthier foods into your day. Soon you’ll feel better both mentally and physically.
Trans fatty acid: Usually found in margarine, this is a fatty acid that has been hydrogenated.
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS): Chiropractors use this modality to decrease pain in their patients. It provides a low-voltage electrical current
Transverse Abdominis: Your transverse abdominis is beneath your obliques. It allows you to compress forcefully when you cough, sneeze, vomit, or use the restroom.
Trapezius: These are the muscles on your upper shoulder beside your neck.
Triceps: These are the muscles in the back of your upper arm.
Trigger point: A painful area to the touch, that when palpated, elicits pain elsewhere in your body. Locate a tender, nodular area within one of your muscles. This is called your trigger point. Gently massage it. Your goal is to restore normal, rich blood and oxygen flow to all parts your muscle. Trigger points strangulate areas of muscles, cutting off the normal nutrition and lifeline, compromising your muscles’ function.
Triglycerides: This is fat. It is made from three fatty-acid molecules and one glycerol molecule.
Trypsin: An enzyme that is secreted by the pancreas. It helps you to digest proteins.
Ulcer: An ulcer is an area of raw tissue, similar to the tissue found under the scab of a healing cut. Ulcers can occur in the stomach, or in the part of the intestine that drains food from the stomach.
Ulcerative Colitis: A form of inflammatory bowel disease. The inner layer of your colon wall is damaged. Symptoms include abdominal pain, diarrhea, fever, weight loss, and blood in the stool.
Ultrasound: An imaging technique used by doctors to view blood vessels and measure how fast blood is flowing. It uses high-frequency sound waves.
Ultrasound For Healing: Exercise makes your bones stronger. And so does ultrasound. Ultrasound puts a soundwave into your bone which creates a pressure against the bone. This causes the same stress and strengthening that exercise does.
Unsaturated fats: Fatty acids in which some of the hydrogen atoms in each molecule have been replaced by double bonds (see polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated fats).
Upper/Lower Body Exercises: If you work your upper and lower body together as in a cross-country ski machine, your sympathetic nervous system kicks in, increasing your perceived exertion, making the exercise feel more difficult even though you may be burning the same amount of calories as doing a simple lower body cycling exercise.
Urethra: This is a tube that transports urine from your bladder out through the penis.
Varicose Veins: Varicose veins affect more women then men, and the problem increases with age. A valve incompetency causes a reversal of blood flow. This dilates your veins and causes loss of tissue tone. There is a loss of elasticity in the walls of the affected veins and their valves. Because of their inefficiency, blood may stagnate in the vein. The veins become swollen and twisted. This may lead to fatigue and aching in the affected area.
Vein: These are the vessels that carries blood back to your heart.
Vitamins: Vitamins assist chemical reactions in your body. There are 13 known vitamins: Four are fat-soluble-- A, D, E, and K-- which your body is able to store in amounts large enough to last for months. There are nine water-soluble vitamins-- C (ascorbic acid), and the B-complex vitamins--B1 (thiamin), B2 (riboflavin), B6 (pyridoxine), B12, niacin, folic acid, biotin, and pantothenic acid. Your body needs replenishment of these vitamins regularly.
Vividness: The clarity of your mental picture during your imagery training.
Warm-up: Warm up before your martial arts training. Stretch afterwards. A warm up gives your joints a 5-10% increase in synovial fluid. Stretch after your workout when your muscles are thoroughly heated up.
White-Coat Hypertension: If you go to the doctor and your blood pressure is high, but when you take it at home it is normal, you might have white-coat hypertension.
Whooping Cough: Bordetella pertussis, is the bacteria that causes whooping cough. It is transmitted from an infected person who coughed or sneezed in your direction Pertussis invades your respiratory mucosa causing increased secretion of mucus. At first it is a thin layer. Later it becomes viscous, and is not easily moved. Whooping cough lasts about 6 weeks.
Yeast Infections: Most women get yeast infections at some time in their lives. A variety of microscopic organisms normally reside in the vagina. These includea yeast-like fungus Candida albicans. But taking antibiotics can kill off certain flora and leave Candida to go on a rampage. This leads to Candida vaginitis, or a yeast infection.
Zone Diet: A low carbohydrate, moderate protein, moderate fat diet in a ratio of 40% carbohydrates, 30% protein, and 30% fat. It has not been shown to benefit long term weight loss.