
วันเสาร์ที่ 5 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2554

Scientific terminology,ศัพท์วิทยาศาสตร์4

Dandruff: Dandruff is sometimes associated with oily hair. A cause may be a yeast infection of your scalp. Hormonal and seasonal changes can also make dandruff worse. And sometimes dandruff may be the result of a dry scalp.

Definition In your Muscle: Most people think the way to lose the fat between your skin and muscle is to lift light weights and perform lots of repetitions. But muscular definition is a function of your eating, aerobics, and full body resistance training program. You may do 100's of repetitions of crunches, but if a layer of fat surrounds your abdominals (abs), you will never see your "six pack."

Degenerative spondylolisthesis: This is where your facet joints gradually erode from wear and tear.

Dehydration: Prevent dehydration by taking in water and electrolytes. Be sure you are getting enough potassium which is inside your muscle fibers, and calcium which, is outside.

Deltoid: A.K.A. shoulder. These muscles include your anterior deltoid, medial deltoid, and posterior deltoid.

Dermabrasion: Using sandpaper or wire brushes to surgically remove skin blemishes or tatoos.

Dermatitis: Dermatitis is a superficial inflammation of your skin. Contact dermatitis may be relieved by discontinuing use of industrial solvents, dyes, nickel, and other metals, and leather tanning chemicals.

Determining Percent Body Fat: Under water weighing, electrical impedance, and calipers are three of the most reliable methods used to determine percent body fat.

Diabetes Mellitus: A.K.A. Type II Diabetes This is considered adult onset. It is a disorder in which your blood glucose levels are elevated. The reason your blood sugar is high, is that insulin has a hard time dragging the sugar from your blood into your cells.

Diaphragm: This is a flat layer of muscle that separates your chest from your abdomen. Your diaphragm helps you to breath. Breathing from your diaphragm helps you to relax.

Diastole: Consider diastole the rest period between contractions of your heart. It is the bottom number of your blood pressure ratio (eg. 120/80).

Digestive Tract: This is all of the organs that your food sees when it travels from your mouth to your anus.

Digital Rectal Examination (DRE): This is the dreaded gloved finger into the rectum test. Your doctor is checking out the size and texture of your prostate to decide if there are abnormalities.

Dihydrotestosterone (DHT): This is a biologically active form of testosterone. The bad news is that it stimulates prostate growth.

Diskectomy: This is the surgical removal of all or part of one of your intervertebral disks.

Diskitis: “Itis” means inflammation, so disk-itis refers to inflammation of your intervertebral disk.

Dissociation: Keeping your mind on something else, rather than thinking about the activity you are doing.

Diverticula: These are finger-shaped pouches in your colon that sometimes develop as you age.

Dopamine: This is a neurotransmitter that helps you to move comfortably and smoothly.

Dry Hydro-therapy Flotation: Dry Hydro-therapy flotation delivers power jets of heat to you while you are lying on a mattress. The water jets are designed to apply pressure to trigger points on muscles on your back, supposedly reducing pain, stimulating your nervous system, and reducing muscle spasms.

Duodenitis: This is inflammation of your duodenum.

Duodenum: This is the first section of your small intestine. It goes from your stomach to your jejunum.

Duration: The duration of your workout session.

Dynamic Stretching: Using your own muscle power to stretch your limbs through a range of motion.

Dyskinesia: This malady refers to excessive and uncontrollable movements.

Dyspepsia: Dyspepsia is similar to indigestion. It is characterized by upper abdominal pain following meals. Dyspepsia may be accompanied by bloating, nausea, vomiting, a sense of fullness, and general discomfort.

Dysphagia: This is having difficulty swallowing.

Eat After Exercise: The carbohydrate window of opportunity is a 15 minute period after a workout when your muscles are most receptive to take in recovery nutrients. Simple carbohydrates will do. Exercise provides a greater of volume of blood to your muscles. Your blood carries carbohydrates that were absorbed from the stomach. This causes maximum nutrient reabsorption into your muscles providing a more rapid recovery from exercise.



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