Training Session Exercises
(Applied Social Sciences Index and Abstracts)
Quick Search
The Quick Search allows you to easily build and execute a simple search.
- Select to search ASSIA.
- The Quick Search defaults to an “Anywhere” search. Search for health inequalities and limit your search to the latest year.
Search Results
- How many records did you retrieve?
- Your search results are being displayed in a single combined list. Click-on the plus sign next to ‘Multiple Databases’ to see results by individual database.
- How many results did you retrieve in ASSIA?
- You’ve also retrieved a number of Web Resources related to your search. Are you aware of the Web Resources feature?
- Publication type tabs are displayed at the top of your search results.
- Click on the publication type tabs.
- Click on the ‘Other’ link to view additional publication types.
- Your results are currently being sorted by publication date.
- Change the sorting option to Relevance Rank and click on ‘Go’.
- You’re viewing the first ten records from your search results (unless the defaults have been changed on your account).
- Scroll-down to the bottom of the first set of ten records.
- Click-on the number three to navigate to your third set of records.
- Scroll down to the bottom again and in Record # type 53. Click on ‘Go’.
- Your search results are currently displayed in the ‘Short Format’ record display. The Short Record Format displays the title, author(s), source information, abstract, and descriptors. A click on a descriptor term or an author name will start a search for that term or name.
- Click on a descriptor to start a new search.
- Select to show your search results by ‘Custom Format’ record display.
- Select to add the ISSN field to your search results display. Click on ‘Submit’.
- Click on a ‘View Record’ link to view a complete bibliographic record.
- Scroll down through the record.
- Build a new search using the descriptors assigned to the record. Mark several descriptors using either ‘AND’ or ‘OR’ and click on ‘Go’.
- You can keep records you want to look at later by marking individual records as you review your search results.
- Select to ‘Mark’ all records on page. Your records are added to your ‘Marked List’. (Note: if you do not have JavaScript enabled for your browser, you must click on ‘Update Marked List’ in order to make sure all the records you want are marked.)
- Use the Save, Print, Email function to output your records.
- Click on the ‘Save, Print, Email’ link.
- Select records 1 through 20.
- Under the QuikBib option, choose to create a word document in the APA style.
Advanced Search
The Advanced Search allows you to build and execute detailed and powerful searches.
- The drop-list boxes display the searchable fields that are in the databases that you have selected to search.
- Click on the drop-list to view the searchable fields for ASSIA
- Enter the word(s) you want to find, the search term(s), into the boxes provided and use the drop-lists of field codes to specify in which fields a word or phrase should appear.
- Search for Health care in the descriptor field and poor or poverty as keywords.
- Limit your search to 1998 to the present.
- Limit your search to Journal Articles Only.
- Review your search results.
- Your search edit box is at the bottom of the page. You can edit your search or submit a new search.
Search Tools
The Search Tools tab offers a number of advanced search features: Combine Searches, Alerts, Search History, Command Search, Thesaurus Search, and Browsable Indexes.
- Click on the Combine Searches tab. It allows you to combine your search sets or add a search terms to a pre-existing set.
- Let’s refine our first search and combine it with you
- Review your search results.
- Click on the Search History tab. Your search history contains all searches in this session. You have the options to Edit, Save, Delete, Return to Search, Run the Search again or Save as an Alert.
- Click on the ‘Save as an Alert’ link on one of your search sets. Enter your email address and a personal password of your choosing to create a personal profile. Click on ‘Continue’.
- The Latest Search page allows you to customize your Search Alert. After you create your alert, your search will be run on a weekly basis and any new data that is retrieved by your search will be emailed to you.
- Click on the Command Search tab. Here you can build your search strategy by typing in command-line search language.
- Type in the KW= or click on field code and then absent father*.
- Review your search results.
- Thesaurus Alphabetical Display Format
- Click on the Thesaurus tab. And choose the ASSIA thesaurus
- Using the same term “abuse”, select the Alphabetical Index display option.
- Click on ‘Go’.
- Select it and click on search
- Review your search results
- Enter the term drug abuse
- Thesaurus Hierarchy Display
- You see the entry for the term ‘drug abuse’ and terms near it in the alphabetical list. Click on its hyperlink to see broader terms, narrower terms, etc. ( A descriptor term followed by a + sign informs you to the fact that this term has narrower terms).
- Mark several descriptors and submit a new search for those terms using the Boolean operator or your choice on the left-hand side of the page.
- Review your search results.
- Thesaurus Rotated Index Display
- Click on the Thesaurus tab again.
- Type in the word abuse and select the Rotated display format.
- You are given an alphabetical listing of all thesaurus terms containing your selected word, abuse.
- Scroll down the page to see the listing. Click on one of the hyperlinked terms in the list. You are taken to the hierarchical display for that term.
- Browsable Indexes. A browsable index is an alphabetical listing of all terms indexed in a particular field of a database, e.g. the Author Name Index, and it allows you to view and select possible spelling variations of a name or word.
- Click on the Indexes tab.
- Select to browse the Author Index ASSIA and search for Boyer CB or possibly Cherrie