
วันเสาร์ที่ 5 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2554

Scientific terminology,ศัพท์วิทยาศาสตร์6

Facet Joints: These are the tops and bottoms of your vertebra joints. The facets are located on the back side of each vertebra. They connect to the one above it, and the one below it.

Fast Twitch Muscle: A.K.A. Type II b muscle fibers are white and powerful. They contract more quickly and forcefully than slow twitch, Type I, red fibers.

Fast Twitch/Slow Twitch Fibers: What matters most is the load, not the speed of movement. Try this: Lift up a 200 pound weight. You wouldn’t be able to lift it very fast (unless you are Hulk Hogan), but you would still be using fast twitch muscle fibers.

Fat Cells: You developed your fat cells during the 3rd trimester in your mother's womb (so blame it on your mom), your first year of life (that’s her fault again), and during puberty. It is also theorized you can add fat cells during pregnancy, and during explosive weight gain in adulthood.

Fat Loss: You cannot "lose" fat cells, unless you undergo liposuction. But you may decrease the fat within

each of your cells with proper diet and exercise.

Fatty acids: These are the primary building blocks of fats (lipids).

Female Athletic Triad: Female athletic triad is a newly recognized link between eating disorders, amenorrhea (lack of menstruation), and osteoporosis. The combination of disordered eating and amenorrhea cause weakness in bones leading to osteoporosis.

Festinating gait: You may have noticed your grandfather shuffling with small steps while hunched forward. It is as though he was chasing his center of gravity.

Fiber Type: Your parents are responsible for your fiber type. You will never be as fast as Donovan Bailey if you were not blessed with a preponderance of white, fast twitch fibers.

Fiber: A.K.A. roughage. Fiber is found in plant foods as an indigestible form of carbohydrate. Fiber provides plants with their “upright” structure. Soluble fibers dissolve in water. Insoluble fibers do not. Most plants contain both types.

Fibrous Plaque: An advanced form of atherosclerotic plaque. It forms in response to an injury on the inside lining of your blood vessel.

Finasteride: It was first designed as a drug to treat benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH). It shrinks the

prostate by interfering with the action of 5-alpha reductase, an enzyme that converts testosterone to dihydrotestosterone. Dihydrotestosterone stimulates prostate growth. Recently some “genius” discovered that finasteride grows hair. It’s new, expensive name is propecia.

Fine Motor Task:A small muscle movement such as putting in golf.

Floaters: You may have seen these flit across the horizon. They are clusters of protein or cells that drift through the vitreous humor in your eye and appear as black specks across your visual field. If you see these regularly, call your opthamologist. Seeing floaters may be an early warning sign of retinal problems.

Flow: A mindful experience where there is no ego, competition, anxiety, or boredom. An alpha state that allows you to perform your activity on automatic.

Fluoride: It may be found in your tap water. Fluoride is a compound that can increase bone density, and is a possible treatment for osteoporosis.

Foot Pain: When you walk, you are slamming about one-times your body weight on each foot fall. In running, it's two-and-a-half to three times your body weight pounding through your feet, knees and back. Ignoring pain can lead to irreversible damage to your back, feet, or knees.

Free Fragment: A free fragment is not something you want, even if it is free. A free fragment is a displaced portion of your intervertebral disk. It detaches from the central portion of the disk.

Free Radicals: Molecules in your body have two electrons in their outer shell. A molecule with one electron in its outer shell is called a free radical. It is searching for a free electron. While it is trying to bind with another electron to complete itself, it can damage your organs and tissue. Free radicals occur when oxygen in the bloodstream combines with polluted air, cigarette smoke, food additives, and re-heated cooking oil. Free radical production and damage is increased by exercise - especially running and other aerobics because there is more oxygen in your bloodstream.

Free Weights: Free weights allow you to follow the natural line of pull of your muscles. Free weights also require you to use stabilizer muscles to balance the weight. Free weights also let you pre-stretch your muscles to their optimum 1.2 times their resting length just before you make your lift. These are some of the reasons that professional bodybuilders seem to prefer free weights over machines.

Frequency: How many times a week you work out.

Frontal Lobe: Remember all those movies that threatened a “frontal lobotomy?” Actually, your frontal lobe is one of four major subdivisions of the two hemispheres of your brain. It is important for helping you control your movement.

Fructose: Some folks think because fructose is fat free it is calorie free. It is not. Fructose is a simple sugar found in corn syrup, honey and many fruits.

Fungus Infections: Fungal infections of the skin are common in all age groups. They are caused by microscopic fungal organisms which normally live on youre skin surface without causing symptoms. However when conditions are ripe - moisture, warmth, irritation, or minor skin injury, they start to grow more rapidly Endocrine disorders and immune system diseases are also responsible for fungal infections in some individuals.



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